Imposter Syndrome
“I’m not talented enough!”
“How will I pay my bills?”
“There’s not enough time!”
This is the sound that doubt has created in my head for many years, it is called Imposter Syndrome. To simplify, it involves the feelings of self-doubt and personal incompetence that continue despite my education, experience, or accomplishments. Recently, this voice has gotten louder as I propel deeper into the small business abyss. Yes, this venture has been an absolute whirlwind and I am so very grateful for all who have encouraged, supported and rooted for me along the way! But it has only been 4 months, and in that time I have been pushed, pulled, stretched and stressed in all the ways. When I feel stressed, the imposter voice comes out and questions every move I make. Finally, I am realizing now, that I am all the better for it. I should be conscious of my decisions, but not doubt them. The more I talk, or write, about my troubles the clearer the solution becomes. Art has always been my outlet, my passion and my soul.
Making room for positive things like inspirations, affirmations and creativity has helped me tremendously. Anytime I get that overwhelming feeling in my chest, when my cheeks flush and a let out an enormous sigh, I clear those thoughts out of my head, damn near, immediately. I have too! The biggest advice that I have received was to change the tense on those overwhelming thoughts. Meaning, if I was concerned that I haven’t been creative enough. Instead I would think, “I am very creative, and I have found new ways to stay creative.” Does that make sense? At first it may sound silly, but give it some time and I know you will feel the difference. Keeping that in mind, without having heard the doubt first, I’m not sure I would have continued to press on as relentlessly as I have.
This may make me sound like a broken record when I say this, but I truly hope that what I am doing here with Art & Sol, encourages others to take a risk or make a change for the better. It doesn’t necessarily have to be with a career, or in art, it could be just in life or a relationship. I want to help people get out of their heads and out of their comfort zones!
It has been several months since I quit my fully paid benefits, 401K matching, nine to five to set out on my own. I encourage everyone to take the bad moments in life and find the positives. Truly, I am happy I worked at that nine to five job. Over the years it taught me countless lessons in patience, persistence, creativity, interpersonal relationships, and ultimately led me to pursue my solo career quicker than I ever would have. Life really does have a funny way of working itself out. Trust the process and trust yourself.
With love,