It Takes a Village

You know the saying, “it takes a village”? Well that statement has never been more accurate… Everyone in my life has helped make this dream of starting my own small business come true and I owe them all a HUGE thank you!

Over the last few months, I have experienced the lowest of lows and the highest of highs, and I made it through the storm because I was never alone. Everywhere I looked I had support. So thank you all for the assistance, big or small. It means so much to me and I hope this will empower others to follow their hearts and know that when they take that leap, they won’t be alone.

Thanks to TAH I have some awesome nature shots to set as my background images. If you frequent my booth you may meet my lovely mother, who has gone out of her way time and time again, to organize, to work the booth, to brainstorm branding ideas and overall to support this project. Probably the loudest voice in my corner would be my father, thanks for believing in me so much it hurts! I cherish the hundreds of tools that have been bestowed to me by Brian, without which, I would not have the ability to easily or conveniently create.

Cheers to all my friends! There are too many to name, but they know who they are. Y’all are one crazy group of individuals that I would not trade for the world. The countless votes of confidence motivate me to work even harder. Many thanks to the visual marketing idea machine, Ryker, for creating  Art & Sol’s stickers and banners. Anytime my nails flash on the screen that is due to the magical touch of Emily R. Last but not least, a big thank you to my partner Ross for building the confidence I have in myself, for believing in me, for building my work space, and for allowing me room and time to get this project off and running. I love you.

Whew, do you feel the love yet? This post is dedicated to all those who go out of their way to help those they love. I just want to make sure everyone knows just how much I appreciate the not so gentle push creatively and being a constant reminder of why I am following my passions.

Much Love,



The Heart in Art